The Ladbrokes office was not immune to this speculation, but – as per usual – the discussion quickly turned to sport and we spent the afternoon working out who would play different Star Wars characters in the sporting universe.
I can’t say that I am the biggest Star Wars fan in the world, but Sports Wars is something that I can definitely get around!
Bill Belichick/Darth Vader

In charge of the Evil Empire
Will do whatever it takes to win
Loves covering up his face – especially when it is cold
Universally disliked except for his extremely loyal followers
Wayne Bennett/Obi-Wan Kanobi

Is very wise and has a great deal of experience
Connects with his younger players
Willing to sacrifice for the team
Father figure for those abandoned by their own fathers
Sepp Blatter/The Emperor

The only person in world sport more evil than Bill Belichick
Will do what whatever it takes to remain in power
The most powerful person that has ever lived – in the world of football
Can’t be trusted even by those closest to him
Kane/Darth Maul

Scary Red And Black Faces (Yes we know it is a mask)
Fell to the dark side due to outside influences
Used as a weapon by those in a position of power
Star Wars and Wrestling are both fake
Diego Maradona/Jabba The Hutt

Grotesquely obese
Crime lord and a genuine gangster
Has a soft spot for woman
Can barely walk and is a plate of ribs away from cardiac arrest
David Williams/Chewbacca

Extremely Hairy
Not the brightest spark
Not at the centre of the action, but a great sidekick to more talented players
Bounced back from adversity
Andrea Pirlo/Han Solo

Loved by both men and women alike
Possesses a deadly shot
Could be a loner but realizes the importance of being part of group
Carries his team to victory
Ronda Rousey/Princess Leia

A woman making it in a man’s world
An undeniable sex symbol
Not to be messed with
Did we mention they are both sex symbols?
Peter Crouch/C-3PO

Extremely lanky and goofy
Always in the action and we aren’t really sure how
Dances like a robot
At his best with a smaller sidekick
Tom Brady/Luke Skywalker

Very handsome
Somewhat associated with the Dark side, but we still like him anyway
Always manages to get the job done – even at an advanced age and with little assistance
At the centre of all the action