The Belgian capital remains on alert with authorities warning that a terror strike is "possible and probable".
A Belgian soldier on patrol in central Brussels on Sunday
Belgium has lowered the security threat
level in Brussels after nearly a week on maximum alert following the
Paris terror attacks.
The country's Threat Analysis Coordination Agency reduced
the threat level from four to three, a spokesman for the crisis centre
said.A level three threat - which brings Brussels in line with the rest of Belgium - means there is a "serious, possible and probable" threat of a terror strike.
Belgium raised its terror alert to level three immediately after the 13 November attacks in Paris, which killed 130 people.
A week later the capital was put on maximum alert as police searched for a Belgian suspect, as well as accomplices who were suspected of planning similar attacks in Brussels.
The reduced terror threat in Belgium comes as German police commando units arrested two people in Berlin on suspicion of planning a terror attack.
Police searched a mosque in the city's west before finding the suspects at a separate location in Berlin's south.