A first half performance to be proud of, admittedly against a poor Sunderland team. Flowing moves / flicks, an early 2-0 lead (when was the last time we went into a 2-0 lead inside 20 minutes?) / Oscar bossing the midfield / Costa making good runs / Pedro a handful on the wing - I could go on. Good reason to boo then - well actually, and rather obviously, no.
Do you know what I especially enjoyed today? Our first goal and the way it interrupted a chorus of 'stand up for the special one'. Why? Not because I don't like Jose Mourinho or because I don't respect his achievements, no. Purely because it brought the focus back to the team. And surprise, surprise people, it's the team that we're supporting - or so it should have been.
It would be great if it had ended there. But sadly, there are too many people who read the dailies and actually believe half of what they read. I can only assume that this is the reason 'fans' booed Cesc Fabregas and Diego Costa. Dear dear, what are our 'fans' coming to?
Did you want us to have a shaky second half? Did you want us to lose confidence? What might have happened, if - and careful here in case we get too revolutionary - you had supported the team? Doesn't bare thinking about, does it?. Maybe, just maybe, if we had spent more time supporting the players in recent weeks, instead of singing Jose's name, it might have lifted us.
Yes, you are entitled to do what you like - within reason - when you pay your admission money. But maybe you need to search yourself as to who you are actually supporting. We have, I believe, a responsibility to the team. I cannot get my head around the idea that it is right to boo any player in the course of a game. It is always - note again ALWAYS - wrong.
I happen to believe, that our rather less than convincing second half , stemmed in part, from a lack of confidence. Unsurprising given our wretched run. Our job at that point, is to cheer - wait for it, and maybe I'm stretching people's minds a little too far here - the team.
I think I have got my point across, even if a little sarcastically at times. But if you are thinking of turning up against Watford next week, and booing players again,do me a favour, stay at home.
Jose Mourinho was a great manager, who helped us achieve things we could only dream of. He's gone after the worst run we have had since 1978-79 .Incidentally, I remember and was there for the one bright light that season - the 4-3 victory at home to Bolton after being 0-3 down at half-time. The support that day was incredible, and wasn't too shabby for the whole season. There, some perspective. Guus Hiddink is manager now, Jose is gone. Long live Chelsea